Collage Faces Replay
Let’s make magical faces together!
Student Feedback: “Julie gave us volumes of content. Each of the three sessions were kind of a stand alone lesson…how to create wonderful and interesting collage papers, then how to create a collage face, background and the elements within the face, and then finally how to fix the problems once the face was created….and then our work magically came together. I, for one, had never created a face and felt really great about the collage faces that I made and the unbelievable amount of info that I learned. Julie is a gifted teacher who has created and organized classes where students can succeed and make leaps in their work. A fabulous teacher makes all the difference. Thank you Julie!!!!”
Originally, hosted as a six-week live online class over Zoom, this replay class shares those in-depth class sessions, plus more.
What Each Lesson Covers:
- In class one we will make “face papers.” Don’t know what those are? Come to class to find out!
- In class two, we will focus on the structure of the face and how to create depth and shape while collaging.
- In class three, we will focus on all of the finishing touches that elevate your collage from ordinary to extraordinary — all of the little things that make it your own. We will also discuss “mistakes” and how to fix them.
What You’ll Get:
- 3 Videos: two 4-hour videos and one 3-hour video. These are recordings from previously live Zoom calls.
- 3 Printable Guides: written content that mirrors the class content and allows you to easily reference the material you need without having to watch the entire video to find it.
- Lifetime Access: Review the materials 24/7 in your pajamas.
- Comments Section: For asking questions or adding your two cents.
- Supply Lists: I share my favorite supplies, but there’s no required supply list for this class. You should use what you have!
Student Reflections from Class:
- “I realized that adding just one highlight could transform my entire piece.”
- “The layering exercise changed the way I approach color and texture—this class gave me freedom to experiment.”
- “I didn’t know gelli papers could be so interesting to make!”
- “Seeing how layering paper changes the whole look was a big aha moment for me.”
- “I learned that even when I wanted to quit, pushing through led to pieces I loved.”
- “Adding small details like a necklace or a hat made my face come alive.”
- “Once I figured out the eye structure—eyeball, eyelid, socket, and eyebrow—it all clicked.”
Join today and immerse yourself in a class that not only teaches techniques but also shares the genuine journey of artists learning, experimenting, and growing together.