Carve December: 31 Tips, Tricks, & Ideas for Carving, Printing, & Designing Custom Stamps

Carve December: 31 Tips, Tricks, & Ideas for Carving, Printing, & Designing Custom Stamps

I’m so pleased to share that I have gathered together TEN extraordinary block printing/stamp carving guest stars for this course.  Every single one of them has participated in #CarveDecember in previous years.  They are carving and printing enthusiasts and experts from across the world.  Meet your #CarveDecemberClass teachers:

And they are here to share their incredible knowledge with you.  There are 31 video lessons in “Carve December: 31 Tips, Tricks, & Ideas for Carving, Printing, & Designing Stamps.”  And just like the title of the course says, each video lesson delivers a tip, trick or idea for you to implement in your own stamp carving/block printing process.

There are tips for carving:

There are tricks for printing:

There are ideas for designing:

Video lessons are short (most are under 10 minutes) and include just the tip or trick you’re looking for.

As with all of my online courses, once you purchase the course, you have lifetime access.  So do a lesson a day, or spread them out over the next five years.  You can do this course in the timeline that works for you.

Revisit your favorite lessons whenever you need to brush up on the technique or idea.

Ask questions and talk to other classmates in the comments section of each lesson.  It’s a community of artists!

There are tips, tricks, and techniques in this course for beginners and experienced carvers.

I can tell you that even as an experienced carver, who literally wrote a book on stamp carving, I learned some new tricks and picked up a ton of fresh ideas from the super talented guest stars!

Please note: This course does not cover the absolute basics of how to carve a stamp.  If you’ve never carved a stamp before, you are welcome to jump in and figure it out as you go along,  However, you can purchase this course AND Stamp Carving 101 for just $10 extra.  Stamp Carving 101 is normally $50, so that’s a HUGE savings.  Use THIS LINK to purchase the two courses together.

We are looking forward to seeing you in class!


  • “Every time I thought “Well this lesson made the price of the class well worth it” another lesson came along and I thought the same thing again. Content was excellent, kept my attention and taught me new carving techniques. Well done!” — Janice
  • “Hey, Julie…..You’ve done it again! You’ve gotten together a fabulous group of teachers to make this the best class ever. I love your tessellation stamp and your process. I am so glad this is a lifetime access class because I’ll be coming back to these lessons time and time again. I have learned so much with each teacher…it’s so uncanny how much there is to carving a stamp! …and there is 13 more lessons to go! Unbelievable! This is the best Christmas present I gave to myself this year…. Happy Holidays!” — Sue
  • “I loved everything about this class. Each day had a different tip or technique which were so diverse. I looked forward to coming home from work to a new lesson each day. Thank you and all the guest teachers for incredible inspiration!” — Ellen
  • “Just WOW. I’ve learned so much this month! Thanks, Julie!” — Jean
  • “I am loving this class and don’t want it to end.” — Emily
  • “Great video. I knew taking this class was going to open more doors for me to become better at something I love doing. Thanks so much!” — Vickie
  • “Mind blown in under 5 minutes.” — Christy
  • “Bravo!!! You have taken me on a journey I would never in a bazillion years have gone myself. What a fun ride!!” — Lynn
  • “Julie, this has been fantastic from start to finish! Your lessons … your guest instructors … all of it made December a real joy for me.  I just signed up for Designing Patterns, and I am telling everyone who will listen to me about you! 🙂” — Cynthia
  • “Thank you Julie and all the Carve December teachers for providing a variety of perspectives, skills and abilities into a really good carving experience! There is so much excellent content here. I enjoyed watching every video and was inspired in ways that took me beyond the limits of the course. I will be mining these lessons for jewels for years to come.” — Donna
  • “Thank you Julie and all the teachers! Every lesson was well presented with interesting techniques and those little tips that make a huge difference. I now have a nice collection of different kinds of stamps. And lots of ideas for additional ones. Great class!” — Carolyn
  • “Julie, This was so much fun and a real inspiration. I love how you teach and are so honest about the good and the bad. That transparency makes great artists.” — Deborah
  • “I loved the variety of techniques and supplies. The length of the individual classes was just right. I hope you will keep the course available for purchase for quite a while since I have started telling friends about it. Just superb! I am reconsidering the gelatin printing since I learned so much in this one! Six out of five stars for you!” — Susan
  • “Thank you so much! This is one of the best class experiences I have ever done. I actually learned a lot and applied most of the techniques. I’m happy that I can visit again and keep building my skills. My friends have been impressed with the stamps I made even when I know they are only the beginning. I’m not a person that has sent out a lot of cards, but I have sent out at least six cards using the stamps I made for Carve December 2020.” — Jackie
  • “All these tips and tricks are SOOOO Excellent!!!! Thank you Julie!!!!” — Eleanor