All Online Classes

All Online Classes

Composition Class: Symmetry & Asymmetry (REPLAY)

Collage Faces (REPLAY)

Mixed Media Collage: Embellishing a Basic Design (REPLAY)

The Carve December Work Book

The Artful Holiday

Print•Inktober: The Annual Printmaking Adventure (REPLAY)

Practical Color for Painters

Art Journaling: 10 Minutes a Day for 30 Days

Sketchbook Habit: Keeping a Visual Diary

A Year of Gelatin Printing & Bookbinding

ScanNCut: Design & Cut Amazing Stencils

A bold flower and leaf design screen printed in black ink onto a book page.

Screen Printing at Home (REPLAY)

Chine-Collé Live (REPLAY)

Botanical Monotype Collage (REPLAY)

The Two Week Art Journal

Indoor Sun Printing

The Carve December Class

Pamphlet Stitch Art Journal (REPLAY)

Acrylic Paint Skins (REPLAY)

Collage from a Printable Kit (REPLAY)

Notan or Expanded Square

Basic Pleasing Face

Stamp Carving 101

Make Your Own Junque Journal

30 Days in Your Junque Journal

Gelli Journals

Stamp Carving: Designing Patterns

Stamp Carving Duo

My Art Practice: Monthly Membership