Art Parts: A Mixed Media Collage Framework

Art Parts: A Mixed Media Collage Framework

Make Collage Art Easier, More Creative, and More Fun with Art Parts!

If you’ve ever made homemade baby food, you know it’s a process: chop, cook, blend, and store. That’s a lot of steps—which is exactly why so many people buy it pre-made. Cooking from scratch is rewarding, but it takes time and effort.

Art is the same way. Every mixed media collage involves a series of steps: gathering materials, experimenting with techniques, making decisions, and refining your composition. It can feel overwhelming to start from scratch every time.

But what if you had a shortcut—without sacrificing creativity?

That’s where Art Parts come in. Think of them as the mise en place of art-making—the way chefs prep ingredients in advance so they can focus on cooking, not chopping onions at the last minute. When you have a stash of pre-made collage elements ready to go, the process of making finished artwork becomes smoother, easier, and way more fun.

What You’ll Learn in This Class:

How to create and organize your own Art Parts—painted papers, textures, embellishments, and more.

The best ways to use Art Parts to eliminate decision fatigue and boost creativity.

How to analyze artwork (yours or artwork you admire) to make sure that you’re creating Art Parts that will work for you.

How to break free from first ideas and create more dynamic, layered collages.

Techniques for working improvisationally — letting go of expectations and creating unexpected, exciting compositions.

Just like a well-stocked kitchen makes cooking effortless, a well-stocked stash of Art Parts makes your collage process easy and enjoyable.

  • Class contains 14 lessons, and 13 step-by-step videos.
  • All lessons are available as soon as you register for class.
  • You have indefinite access to all class content.
  • There is no required supply list.  I share what I use, but you should use the supplies you like to use.
  • This class assumes that you have previously made collage paper and collages.
  • The focus of this workshop is on the Art Parts Framework rather than the mechanics of making collages.

Join the class now and start prepping your materials for a more creative, stress-free art-making experience!  Learn how you can quickly and easily make mixed media collages that you love.