February 22, 2025

016: Jaime Makes Stencils

I’m delighted to bring you another episode of the Adventures in Arting Podcast!  Today we’re talking to Jaime Echt, owner of The Crafter’s Workshop.

Jaime Echt is the founder and owner of The Crafter’s Workshop.  Her background is in both graphic arts and marketing, a perfect combination for a stencil-arts business! She is forever inspired by the busy-ness of being so close to New York City, and the beauty of living in the Hudson River Valley.  All of her products are made in the US and designed by herself and a handful of talented artists.

Here are some of Jaime’s recent stencil designs:


237379Peacock Pattern


And here’s a peek at some of her artwork:

On the podcast we discuss Jaime’s career path, why she started The Crafter’s Workshop, and why stencils are so darn hot right now!

Be sure to leave us your comments and questions.  I always like to know what’s on your mind.  Thanks for stopping by!

Find the show on iTunes here.

7 thoughts on “016: Jaime Makes Stencils

  1. Really interesting podcast, thanks! I’d love to see/hear/learn more about what stencils you think are especially useful but don’t have “hanger appeal.”

  2. This podcast was great -so much knowledge and experience! I have heard Oprah and Brene Brown say, “nothing is wasted.” This is so true of Jaime’s experiences in this podcast, every experience has led her to where she is now. Love the stencils and can’t wait to try my xmas stash – thanks to all for the inspiration!

  3. another informative and fun episode! i learned about the crafting business, CHA, and jamie’s perspective. awesome adventures in arting. 🙂

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