March 28, 2025

081: Listener Mail


Mom and I are doing our best to get back into the podcast swing of things.  We’ve been podcasting since 2012 (6 YEARS!!!) but we’re not great about frequency.  This will be just our sixth podcast in 2018.  (Note to self: put podcast in calendar as a “to do.”)  All of that said, today’s podcast is a particularly good one, because it’s a conversation with YOU! We chose a few of the awesome comments you’ve left to share and discuss.

Mom and I would also love it if you would take a few minutes to take this four question survey about the podcast and why you do or don’t listen to it.  Should take you less than one minute to complete.


Thank you for your time!

Finally, a quick reminder that I’ve got a bunch of teaching gigs coming up:

September 22-23: I’ll be at The Ink Pad in NYC.

Saturday is “Interesting Faces” where I’ll be sharing my techniques and ideas for creating truly unique faces.  It’s time to play beyond the edges of your imagination!

Sunday is “Painted Paper Collage.”  In this class I’ll be sharing some of the techniques that I use over and over for projects big and small, including this fabulous collaged dress:

October 13-14: ScanNCut for Artists in the Boston area

I’m super excited to be teaching an in-person ScanNCut class.  This is the first one I’ve taught that is open to the public and it is focused on using the ScanNCut as an art tool to make stamps, stencils, screens, and more!

November 2-4: co-teaching a 3-day class with Nat Kalbach in the UK

Nat and I are both so psyched to take you through the process of creating mixed media collages from two different perspectives.  I think it’s going to be an amazing class!

I hope to see you in class!  Thanks for stopping by!

Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes here.  And if you like the podcast, please leave a review on iTunes!

2 thoughts on “081: Listener Mail

  1. Hello, Julie! I started watching your scanncut videos last year when I purchased one, thank you they are easy to follow. That led to the newsletter, then Instagram and AJED, which has also brought me to your podcasts. I am enjoying it all! I used to have a wonderful little art community sitting at my dining table. But they all grew up and flew the coup lol.
    In your reply to your mother’s commentabout schools wanting more ‘lopsided’ people, you sounded as if you thought you were too old to go back to college. You may be too busy and perhaps it is not a goal but you’re not to old just in case you were thinking so! When my last 2 we’re at the Jr. College, I joined them. I had a blast and with no career goal in mind. Computers weren’t really around my first time in college so that’s where I started. Yes I was the oldest person in the class and sometimes the only female (I took a few game design classes and animation). So my point is if you want to go back and enjoy being a lopsided student, the only thing stopping you is you … Besides you can’t get any more lopsided than a white haired grandma in a class of 18-20 gamers!

    I also wanted to share a philosophy of mine. I think it might be helpful after listening to both this podcast and the last one about deLing with fear and failure. When my youngest was in first grade, her teacher allowed me the pleasure of teaching art every Friday. During my research in preparation, I found at certain developmental stages some kids lose interest in art because their skill level is so below their expectation level. Fear of failure over rules and they want to quit! So I started providing them with a concept of lack of success does not mean failure. I would repeat often,
    “There is no bad art! There is only practice pieces and masterpieces!”
    If you like it and want to keep it, it’s your masterpiece today! If you do not like the way it turned out don’t get mad or frustrated, figure out what you don’t like and how to change it. Then you can throw it away without frustration. I still have to repeat it too myself as a reminder! Sorry if my comment is so long.

  2. Hello Julie & Mom, I am so honored and thrilled that you felt me comment had the merit to be read on the podcast. I loved your comments about having a specific purpose in mind when looking at art. I love bright colors, esp cool tones. I am not really that fond of warm & neutral tones such as oranges (my least favorite) grays and browns. The last couple of years I have been trying to find a way to incorporate some of my lesser liked colors into my crafting & art. I think looking at art work just for the combinations of color may be a fantastic exercise for me. Crafters tend to work with the same set of colors because they have purchased a certain brand of ink pads or paint or papers. But an artist, esp ones from previous time periods, are not likely to be confined by a certain brand’s color pallet. Looking at art to study how different colors work together or how colors you don’t care for seem appealing to you because of the combinations is a fantastic exercise. That seems like such a obvious idea, but I never thought about it that way. Thank you again Julie for your beautiful art and both of you for the interesting discussions that have inspired me and made me laugh. Jacqueline

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