February 22, 2025

080: Artistic Fear


Mom and I are discussing artistic fear on today’s podcast.  What is it?  Why is it?  And how can you overcome it?

From the podcast:

Some resources for you:

Finally, a quick reminder that I’ve got a bunch of teaching gigs coming up:

  • August 31-September 2: 3 Classes at Whimsodoodle in Florida. (Mom is coming with me to this one!)
  • September 22-23: I’ll be at The Ink Pad in NYC.
  • October 13-14: ScanNCut for Artists in the Boston area.
  • November 2-4: co-teaching a 3-day class with Nat Kalbach in the UK

I hope to see you in class!  Thanks for stopping by!

Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes here.  And if you like the podcast, please leave a review on iTunes!

One thought on “080: Artistic Fear

  1. Well, after following you online for actually I think years now, I finally turned off the TV and listened to your podcast! Wow, loved it. Now I may figure out how to listen while I am making art, because I would love that! I Just listened to “Artistic Fear” and it was very much everything I believe about making art and fear. But when you got to the part about pricing your art you struck such a nerve for me. I am so unable to price my art. I have a friend who sternly lectures me that my prices are way too low. But her prices are very high and she doesn’t sell a lot. I actually put my art out there at least partially to make a little bit of money. I know there are other reasons for me, but having a sale is awesome!!! someone liked my art enough to buy it! And Yowza! I can splurge on new art supplies, or buy groceries, whatever. But I am selling something that took hours to make and lots of expensive supplies for $25.00! It is so hard. Also, I do not live in a big city, where higher prices are more reasonable. And I do not have a car so it is extremely difficult to schlepp my art around trying to find a gallery , or have lots of disposable income to pay entry fees. No answers here, just identifying with you!

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