March 31, 2025

059: Lou Ann & the Gelli Plate


I’m delighted to bring you another episode of the Adventures in Arting Podcast!  Today’s podcast features Lou Ann Gleason:

from the Balzer Designs Blog: Adventures in Arting Podcast
Lou Ann is CEO and co-founder of a growing company, Gelli Arts LLC.  Gelli manufactures a unique gel printing plate that is used by teachers and artists.  Gelli started with her partner’s great idea.  Clever manufacturing, savvy marketing and lots of getting the little things right have turned that idea into a brand with an expanding customer base around the world.

from the Balzer Designs Blog: Adventures in Arting Podcast
Lou Ann was born and raised in Michigan, one of 10 children in her family.  She worked at a department store to help pay tuition at her all-girls high school, and then put herself through college. She graduated from Michigan State.  After college, she worked first for a department store, making decisions about which women’s clothes to stock, then for a bank.  Eventually, she went to get her MBA at University of Michigan.

from the Balzer Designs Blog: Adventures in Arting Podcast
The MBA degree opened up new opportunities. Lou Ann worked at Procter & Gamble.  There she worked in brand marketing, making decisions about product development and advertising on household brands such as Cascade, Dawn and Joy.  She was also lucky to spend a few years developing new products—which became a big asset at Gelli Arts.

from the Balzer Designs Blog: Adventures in Arting Podcast
Lou Ann stayed at P&G for 15 years.  Later she served as chief marketing officer for a vacation real-estate firm, then started her own consulting business. Today she divides here time between the consulting business and Gelli Arts.

from the Balzer Designs Blog: Adventures in Arting Podcast
Lou Ann met her husband at P&G.  They have two children, one son in college in California (who has already started his own business) and a daughter who is serving in the Peace Corp in Ukraine.

from the Balzer Designs Blog: Adventures in Arting Podcast

The artwork samples in this post are by Joan Bess, Birgit Koopsen, Marsha Valk, and Lou Ann Gleason.

Find Gelli online:

Thanks for stopping by!

Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes here.

3 thoughts on “059: Lou Ann & the Gelli Plate

  1. Great podcast – enjoyed hearing about Lou Ann’s background. While I was listening to it I glanced over at my art journal sitting on my desk and it is opened to the “face” you had us draw at your workshop last weekend. The “eyes” are staring at me….a good thing. Again, thank YOU for all the inspiration you have given me and countless others.

  2. Great conversation, Julie! Loved hearing from LouAnn. You always inspire me to get creative. I am one of the inhibited who likes a bit of guidance (buying the kit) but love to have the freedom to put my own spin on things, which is why I love watching your videos on how to use products and the Gelli plate is the coolest!

  3. Enjoyed the conversation — am so excited to find out 1) that I can dispense with those plastic sheets that came with the Gelli plate and 2) how to get rid of the air bubble marks. Finishing up a boatload (technical term meaning almost a hundred) of gelli-printed tag/bookmarks for gifts — gelli printing is definitely my happy place.

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