March 31, 2025

031: Season 5 of Scrapbook Soup


I’m delighted to bring you another episode of the Adventures in Arting Podcast!  I hope that you enjoy listening to these podcasts.  I know that Mom and I love chatting about artful living with each other and our variety of guests!  As the title indicates, today’s podcast is all about filming season 5 of Scrapbook Soup.  We recorded the podcast in two halves: one half before I left for filming and one half when I get back.  Here are some photos from the shoot…

There is, of course, the glam part of the shoot: makeup and wardrobe!

Makeup-smThere is the very un-glam prep work that gets done in the Green Room:


And the prep work that gets done on the set before each segment is filmed:


And then it’s time to get the big smiles out!


Our guests this season were:

Here are links to some of the products we discussed on the podcast:

On the podcast we discuss getting ready to shoot — all the prep work — and then the actual shoot itself. I’ve tried to adds names to all the faces so that when you’re listening to the podcast you’ll know who we’re talking about! Thanks for stopping by!

Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes here.

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