March 11, 2025

001: What is Failure?

“Come to the edge.’ ‘We can’t. We’re afraid.’ ‘Come to the edge.’ ‘We can’t.
We will fall!’ ‘Come to the edge.’ And they came. And he pushed them. And
they flew.” ― Guillaume Apollinaire

Our guest Ronda Palazzari sent me the text above after we recorded the podcast.  I’m sure that after listening to her thoughts you will agree with me that she is an amazing woman.  Here’s a little bit about her:

Ronda Palazzari headshot 3

Ronda is an Author, Mixed Media Artist, Scrapbook Designer, and an Instructor living in the burbs of Denver.  Her first book of Art of Layers with North Light Publishing/F&W Media was released in March 2012.  She designs with Maya Road, Sizzix, Antiquated Collection, and Purple Onion Stamps.  She has published in several magazines and idea books including Artful Blogging, Creating Keepsakes, Memory Makers, Scrapbook Trends, and Somerset Magazines.  She’s best known for combining her mixed-media techniques with scrapbooking, but Ronda is one to follow because you never know if she will be sewing or getting messy with paints…

Ronda Palazzari Fire & Ice

Ronda Palazzari Fire & Ice
…her craft changes day-to-day.  She continues to teach worldwide as well as providing inspiration and telling her dorky stories on her blog HelpMeRonda.

If you have comments or questions, please leave them in the comments section of this post.  I know that we’d love to hear from you!

Find the show on iTunes here.

13 thoughts on “001: What is Failure?

  1. Oh!!! how much i have enjoyed this wonderful gift!!! I LOVE YOUR MOM EILEEN!!!! i have learned so much from julie and ronda and i have been inspired in so many ways. i had always compared my work with everybody else’s, i am not a professional artist and i do not have the background or experience that so many have. i have now determined to be my own parameter and enjoy my own process of creation, as eileen said… “there are no failures, it is all part of the learning process” THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I send my love and respect for these three fantastic women, thank you for your inspiration, energy and love!!! Maggie from Mexico : )

  2. Really enjoyed this podcast! Great perspective from all of you on failure and opportunity, and our perception of these things. Super podcast with Ronda… what an awesome start to this new endeavor!

  3. Julie, Eileen, and Ronda, this was the perfect topic for the first podcast. THANK YOU!!! I am not a professional and no art background or experience but I am drawn drawn drawn to the creative realm, yet am terrified and suffer from regular paralysis because I compare 🙁 I often let new paints dry out; too afraid to use them, easily discouraged when my idea doesn’t work out or I can’t figure out a technique. Your cooking metaphors were brilliant. I had several aha moments listening to this broadcast; listened to it twice it was so good. Eileen you are a sage! Loved the G.B. Shaw quote. Looking forward to future podcasts. GREAT JOB!!

  4. LOVE your podcast. I’m thrilled as I can listen to it at work. I think it was a great first podcast – being about failure….. really hit home. Love how it feels that I’m right there with you gals! And your Mom, rocks! Looking forward to the next one.

  5. Thank you! I feel like this podcast was meant just for me today. I’m going to have to listen to it again. There were so many lessons and insights that apply to me today. I felt like I was sitting at the table with the three of you and I learned so much. Thank you, again. 🙂

  6. A great podcast and the topic is so timely for me. So happy to see you and your mom doing this together! Thanks to your guest, Ronda Palazzari, for sharing her view on creativity!

  7. Fear of failure is something I fight daily be it in art or social settings. Thanks for the timely reminder that everyone will fear failure at some time. Now I need to take the time to nourish my self.

  8. Ladies this is the third time I’ve listened to your pod cast. Every time I listen I get something new out of it. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and stories. Gave me a new outlook on my own art pursuits. I’m always trying to do something new and that word failure pops up and now I can look at the projects and think new opportunity instead…go back and play again…thank you ladies…thank you!

  9. I listened to your podcasts today (except for the weeds one, haven’t gotten to it yet!) on a long drive and am enjoying them immensely. But this one is my favorite! I’m new to art journalling and found your blog through one of the magazines I bought this summer (probably Cloth Paper Scissors). But the reason I keep coming back is because of your blog post showing one of your old paintings of a woman and comparing it to a newer painting- it made me feel like I can become a better artist if I work at it. It was refreshing to see your progress and I like how you share how to rework projects that didn’t work the first time. I felt like this podcast really went along that same theme and it was a huge help and inspiration to me. Love you and your Mom, please keep up the excellent podcasts!

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