March 14, 2025

19 thoughts on “Introducing the Adventures in Arting Podcast

  1. How cool! Just what I am needing right now Julie. I’m sure your show will be awesome and I can now hardly wait for the first podcast. Congratulations and thank you in advance for for all the artful discussions that I know will be both inspirational and encouraging. xxox

  2. I am excited for you – and for me! It always so fun to see someone’s plans come together as they have for the podcasts. Julie, I have learned so much from you over the last few years, ever since I “discovered “you when you guested on Making Memories. You are so generous with your knowledge and encouragement, your produce great art which is certainly an encouragement. I can’t wait for more podcasts! And your mom is a great inspiration, too, btw. I am the mom of 3 great adult children, and I hope to continue to be the kind of help and support as your mom is for you. Congratulations on the start of a new adventure for you.
    Cindy P

  3. Hi Julie,
    Lovely to hear your voice and your upbeat, lively conversation with your Mom. You can count me as a faithful follower of your podcast. Can future TV stardom be in the future?
    Big hug, Joan

  4. In your 6 min. intro, I already learned something! I know this podcast is going to be helpful, inspiring, and fun. Thanks for doing this, Julie, and how nice that your mom is a part of it! It is easy to see that you appreciate and love her, how refreshing!

  5. Wow this is a brilliant idea! I look forward to your future podcasts, and you are so lucky to be able to do this with your mom by your side.

  6. This was great! I don’t usually listen to podcasts, I just don’t have the patience, but I knew I had to listen to yours, and this was so interesting! I loved your mom’s insights, and the whole podcast was very interesting! Thanks!

  7. Julie:

    Congratulations on your new venture! I discovered you and your wonderful templates from the PaperClipping Roundtable podcast. I’ve been toying with the idea of doing the Art Journal a Day–after listening to the first two episodes of your podcast, I think I’m going to give it a try. So nice to see someone who has a nice relationship with her mom, I’m looking forward to her insights as well on my journey to a more artful life—thanks for giving me something else to feed my brain while I’m in the kitchen. BTW, I subscribe to your podcast via the Downcast iPad app.

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